
Why is my OFX file corrupted?

Why is my OFX file corrupted?

This happens when transaction narratives are more than 32 characters long.

A permanent resolution is being investigated. In the meantime, please follow the below steps to access your files

  1. Open the OFX file in Notepad
  2. Search for all occurrences of "NAME"
  3. Any entries with more than 32 characters will need to be edited to included less than 32 characters. Make sure not to delete '<NAME/>' at the end of each entry
  4. Once all the entries have been amended, save the file, you can then open the edited file in Microsoft Money as normal
  5. Credit transactions may still incorrectly appear as debits
  6. To correct these entries, right click on the transaction in Microsoft Money and then select 'change transaction type to credit'

Once the above has been completed, the transactions should reconcile correctly