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ISA vs savings account

Get to know the differences between an ISA vs a savings account with NatWest.

Tax reliefs referred to are those applied under current legislation, which may change. The availability and value of any tax relief will depend on your individual circumstances.

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What is a savings account?

Savings accounts help you build a pot of money and earn interest on it. Unlike current accounts, they’re not really meant for day-to-day budgeting and spending.

Instead, they give you the chance to think longer-term and work towards specific saving goals.

Perhaps you’d like to save for a new car, a house deposit, or just for an emergency. Whatever your goals are, a savings account is a simple way to set money aside. As an added bonus, your bank will pay interest on the cash you save.

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What is an ISA?

An ISA is a specific type of savings account. In fact, it’s short for ‘individual savings account’. But the key difference between a normal savings account vs an ISA comes down to tax.

ISAs are tax-free accounts. This means you won’t pay any tax on the interest or returns your money makes. In exchange, you’ll need to stick to the annual ISA allowance. This limit is currently £20,000.

Any money you’ve paid into an ISA from previous tax years won’t be included in the current tax year’s allowance.

Since ISAs are meant for individuals, you can’t open a joint account. You can’t share your annual ISA allowance with another person either.

Key differences between savings accounts vs ISAs

When comparing an ISA vs a normal savings account, here’s how you can tell them apart.


ISAs are tax-efficient accounts. So, you shouldn’t have to worry about paying tax on your interest or returns.

Interest from normal savings accounts may be taxable though. Depending on your income tax band, you’ll get a Personal Savings Allowance (PSA) each year. This shows the total interest you can earn on them before you need to pay tax.

The PSA is currently £1,000 for basic rate taxpayers.

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Annual limits

You can save up to £20,000 across all your ISAs each tax year. This is called the annual allowance.

You could save the full amount in one ISA or spread it across different types, with different providers. However, you can only subscribe to one Cash ISA with NatWest each tax year.

It marks a big difference between traditional savings accounts vs ISAs. This annual allowance doesn’t cover normal savings accounts. But some products and banks might have specific limits or deposit restrictions.

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Types of savings

Stocks and shares ISAs and innovative finance accounts let you branch out into different investments and even peer-to-peer lending.

Cash ISAs and normal savings accounts are more straightforward though. Your money isn’t invested – you simply make deposits and earn interest over time.

The value of investments can fall as well as rise, and you may not get back the full amount you invest. Eligibility criteria, fees and charges apply.

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There’s little risk of losing your money in a cash ISA or normal savings account, so long as the provider is covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.

Since your cash isn’t invested, it won’t be exposed to market movements.

But this isn’t the case with other ISAs. You’ll need to check you’re comfortable with investment risks before opening a stocks and shares or innovative finance account.

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Compare our ISAs and savings accounts

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Cash ISAs

Compare our instant access Cash ISA and Fixed Rate ISA.

Subscribe up to the £20,000 ISA allowance in the current tax year.

Receive tax-free interest.

Benefit from the ISA transfer process.

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You must be a UK resident aged 18+. You can only subscribe to one Cash ISA with NatWest in any tax year up to £20,000. Tax-free interest means interest payable is exempt from UK income tax. 

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Flexible Saver

Access your savings whenever you need them.

Make deposits at any time.

Get a variable interest rate.

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To apply, you must be 16+ and hold a NatWest current account and be a UK resident.

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Fixed Term Savings Account

Get peace of mind with a fixed interest rate.

Leave your money untouched for a set term.

Apply for an account the way that suits you.

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To apply, you must be 16+ and a UK resident. Early closure charges may apply.

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Digital Regular Saver

Save between £1 and £150 a month.

Instantly access your cash.

Get different interest rates, depending on your balance.

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To apply, you must be 16+ and hold a NatWest current account, and this must be your only Digital Regular Saver account.

ISA vs savings account – FAQs

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