
I have been sent fake goods. What can I do?

I have been sent fake goods. What can I do?

Have you received fake or counterfeit good?

We understand it can be frustrating receiving fake goods, especially if you were buying a present for someone special. If you believe the goods you have ordered are fake we may be able to help.

What we need from you

Please be as detailed as you can when explaining your dispute. This will help ensure all the facts are available to us when we review your claim and prevent unnecessary delays. It would be really helpful if you could us send the following information:

  • A description of the goods received (e.g. make, model, colour and size) and the reason you believe the goods are fake
  • A copy of the order confirmation, invoice and receipt if it's available to you
  • The date you received the good and their current location
  • Details/copies of any correspondence you've had with an individual or organisation to confirm the goods are fake (e.g. a letter from a customer agency)

Debit card payments

Email us at retaildisputes@rbs.co.uk, quoting your sort code, account number and the last 4 digits of your long 16 digit debit card number.

Credit card payments

Email us at creditdisputes@rbs.co.uk, quoting your full 16 digit credit card number and full name.

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