
Donate your Rewards

Donate to the Trussell Trust

We are the Trussell Trust. Our vision is for a UK without the need for food banks. We support a UK-wide network of more than 1,400 food bank centres. Together we provide emergency food and practical support to people locked in poverty, and campaign for change to end the need for food banks in the UK. 

It's not right that any of us need to use a food bank but this can change. That's why we support a nationwide network of food banks to provide emergency support to people locked in destitution and work towards a future where all of us have enough money for the essentials. 

We support more than 1,400 food bank centres across the UK to provide nutritionally-balanced emergency food to people in crisis who have been referred (for instance by advice agencies, GPs, social services and schools), as well as support to help people resolve the crises they face. With the cost of living crisis we are seeing increased levels of need, and the food banks in our network gave out one parcel every 13 seconds earlier this year. In recent months we have seen a 50% increase in the number of people using food banks and we know this is only going to get worse this winter.

The food banks in our network are extraordinary, and their support for their communities is inspiring. But that kind of support shouldn't be necessary. Together, we can create a future where none of us face hunger, because none of us will allow it. 

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Accessing MyRewards is easy

  1. On your mobile or tablet, open the camera and point your device at the QR code.
  2. A link will pop up, tap this, and you’ll be taken straight to MyRewards in your NatWest mobile banking app. 
  3. If the QR code is not working for you, use this MyRewards link to get into your app.
  4. Or you can log in using Online Banking and use the MyReward section to access MyRewards. 


QR code not working? 

You can download the app and get into MyRewards by following these instructions:

  1. On your mobile or tablet, go to the App Store if using Apple or Google Play if using Android.
  2. Search for 'NatWest Mobile Banking'.
  3. Tap to download the app.

Accessing MyRewards is easy

  1. On your mobile or tablet, open the camera and point your device at the QR code.
  2. A link will pop up, tap this, and you’ll be taken straight to MyRewards in your NatWest mobile banking app. 
  3. If the QR code is not working for you, use this MyRewards link to get into your app.
  4. Or you can log in using Online Banking and use the MyReward section to access MyRewards. 

QR code not working? 

You can still download the app and get into MyRewards by following these instructions:

  1. On your mobile or tablet, go to the Google Play store.
  2. Search for 'NatWest Mobile Banking'.
  3. Tap to download the app.

Accessing MyRewards is easy

  1. On your mobile or tablet, open the camera and point your device at the QR code.
  2. A link will pop up, tap this, and you’ll be taken straight to MyRewards in your NatWest mobile banking app. 
  3. If the QR code is not working for you, use this MyRewards link to get into your app.
  4. Or you can log in using Online Banking and use the MyReward section to access MyRewards. 

QR code not working? 

You can still download the app and get into MyRewards by following these instructions:

  1. On your mobile or tablet, go to the App Store.
  2. Search for 'NatWest Mobile Banking'.
  3. Tap to download the app.