Security centre

Empowering you in the fight against fraud

Latest scams to watch out for

Impersonation scams

Criminals are very good at tricking you into believing they are from your bank, the police or other trusted organisations in order to get their hands on your money or personal information.

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Fake adverts on social media

Criminals are publishing fake ads on social media sites that lead to fake websites used to steal your card details.

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Cost of living scams

The inflation rate has been pushed to its highest level in four decades and it’s more important now than ever to be vigilant of possible fraud and scams.

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Report a scam or fraud

The quicker you act the better

  • Scams are when you’ve paid a person or company money because you thought they were genuine. Scams can be very convincing and anyone can get caught out.
  • Fraud is when money goes out of your account that you didn’t know about.

How we’re protecting you

Find out more about our security measures to protect you by visiting our how we protect you hub.

Free anti-virus software

We’re offering Malwarebytes Premium to our customers free of charge (until at least May 2024).

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NatWest banking app

Better protect yourself from fraud and scams with the NatWest banking app. Add extra account security and settings controls to help stay secure.

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Our codes to protect you

If you think you've been the victim of a scam or fraud, we can help you. 

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Strong customer authentication

Now you can add an extra layer of advanced security in our app by setting up biometric approval.

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Our fraud guides

See our fraud guides on ways fraudsters work and how you can prevent yourself falling victim

Victim Support

Victim Support is an independent charity offering a free confidential service.  They have a team of dedicated caseworkers that are experienced in helping victims of financial crime to cope, recover and move beyond crime. 

If you would like to speak to somebody about your situation, you can request a callback from Victim Support by completing the NatWest Victim Support Referral form.

Take Five to Stop Fraud

Led by UK Finance, Take Five is a national campaign that offers straight-forward and impartial advice to help everyone protect themselves from preventable financial fraud.

Criminals want your money and they are experts at getting it.

They will go to great lengths to impersonate people, organisations and the police, using calls, emails, texts and social media to manipulate you.

Even the savviest person can be tricked into revealing security details or sending them money.

Take a moment to stop and think: it could protect you and your money

Reporting a security vulnerability

Our fundamental purpose is to keep our customers safe and secure and that’s why we at NatWest take the security of our systems seriously.

If you have identified a potential vulnerability, please reach out to us via our Responsible Disclosure Programme – managed by Bugcrowd. Any submissions must be made through Bugcrowd and submitted on their platform.

NatWest Group will not accept submissions that have been found through the use of malignant or illegitimate means - If our Security Operations Centre identify your actions as malicious this will be treated as an attack and not a Responsible Disclosure submission.

Before submitting your finding please read over the terms and scope, and submit here.