Bankline Direct is available to NatWest business account customers who meet the specific eligibility criteria detailed below. Fees apply.
Payments and collections
Bankline Direct has a variety of payment options to meet your needs, whether paying for goods and services in the UK or overseas. Formats such as JSON, XML ISO 20022, SWIFT MT, Bacs Standard 18 and ISO8583 are available.
Bankline Direct is designed to get your money where you want it, quickly and securely. Domestic payment options are available through Faster Payments (for payments under £1,000,000), CHAPS (for high value same-day payments with the UK), and Bacs (for salary, supplier payments and Direct Debit collections).
Bankline Direct also offers international payments, inter-account transfers, bulk lists, and SEPA Direct Debit Origination.
Bankline Direct has comprehensive reporting capabilities, sending you information that you can use automatically within your own systems.
Account information reports (statements) will provide information such as balance and transaction details. We offer a range of industry standard formats such as SWIFT MT and ISO 20022 XML.

Want to reduce manual tasks and inefficiencies?
Accelerate your payments and receive payment notifications using our suite of APIs on a secure, 24/7 connection method, and also benefit from receiving real-time data for reconciliation.
Communication channels
Secure file OpenClose
Payment formats
API OpenClose
SWIFT OpenClose
Payment formats

For commercials and corporates
- Cost effective channel to streamline your cash management processes
- A secure channel for exchange of Treasury messages and files
- A 24/7 payment and reporting solution to support your growing business
- Ability to monitor the progress of your payments through detailed acknowledgements and reporting

For financial institutions
- A single channel for sending and receiving files
- Send and receive Bank Grade and Non-Bank Grade payments
- Connectivity with 24/7 availability for an easier, quicker alternative to access Faster Payment Scheme
- A dedicated UK sort code, sponsored by NatWest, providing indirect access to UK clearing schemes
- Meet regulatory requirements for your reporting needs
You can use Bankline Direct if you meet the following criteria;
Meets MiFID criteria for Professional Client or Eligible Counterparty; OR
Average turnover for last 3 years ≥ £6.5m; OR
Average total assets for the last 3 years ≥ £3.26m; OR
Is part of a group connection that meets turnover or assets test
Hold NatWest UK accounts
Minimum of 500 transactions per month
For clients wishing to use their own sort code (Indirect Access clients) to send/ receive payments they must;
Be FCA regulated/ EEA Passported
Have a Sort Code
Have a BIC; either a full live BIC or a BIC-21 (a BIC-21 is not a BIC connected to SWIFT but is needed in case of mis-formatted payments)